Trade Show Swag: Event Giveaways You Should Avoid

    Freebies and giveaways are a major highlight for trade show attendees. Everyone loves something fun and interesting to take home. But, no one wants to tote around another cheap leaky ballpoint pen or flimsy rubber refrigerator magnet that will clutter up their home or office. To get the most value out of your trade show […]

    Trade Shows and Millennials: Bridging the Gap

    We are now marketing to six different generations: G.I. Generation, Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen-X, Millennials (Gen-Y), and Gen-Z. This means marketing can be a balancing act at times; but to be effective you need to narrow your focus. In this article, we’re going to narrow our focus and take a closer look at millennials. […]

    Using Social Media to Market Your Next Trade Show

    If you want cheap and effective marketing to drum up interest in your next trade show event, don’t overlook the reach of social media. A few posts on Facebook or email blasts to current clients is the safe bet, though. In order to reach as many people as possible and generate new interest, you have […]

    Trade Show Freebies That Work

    The pen, water bottle, and stress ball are three of the most common trade show freebies to come across. Most are discarded, left in a hotel room, or placed as one of many in the back of a junk drawer. However, that doesn’t mean that merchandise doesn’t work. Giveaways still remain an effective way to […]

    Why Marketing Your Trade Show Should Be Your Top Priority

    Too often marketing gets lost in a trade show environment; businesses end up relying only on their exhibit to bring them incoming traffic or untrained booth attendants that are not able to effectively engage attendees. Success for your business during trade shows starts well before booth set up on the day of the event, as […]

    What to Say In Your Follow-Up Correspondence with Prospective Clients

    After the completion of a successful trade show, it’s time to dip into your new database of leads. Don’t want wait longer than two weeks before reaching out to your new contacts you have accumulated. A brief, friendly and straight to the point email is just the ticket to securing repeat business. Let’s examine what […]

    Using LinkedIn to Promote Your Trade Show Booth

    LinkedIn is currently the fastest growing professional social network in the world, with over 500,000,000 members at the time of the construction of this post. Additionally, new members sign up to use the site at a mind boggling two per second. With those impressive statistics, and the high rates of conversion that LinkedIn advertising gets, it would […]

    Why Trade Shows Are Still Relevant In Our Digital Age

    When launching a novel product or service, businesses in all sectors can leverage online marketing channels to tell their target audience what’s new. Think blogs, social media, or online press releases, for example. This, then, begs the question: are trade shows a thing of the past? Let’s examine a few different point of views before […]

    How to Organize Green-Friendly Trade Shows

    One of the latest trends that is taking the trade show industry by storm is the adaptation of an eco-friendly mindset by organizers. Business owners who want to strike a balance between putting on an over-the-top event and reducing their carbon footprint have a range of options. Top 5 Worksheet for “Greening” Your Trade Show […]

    What Unforeseen Budgetary Hiccups Can I Plan For?

    After preparing for months to put on the perfect trade show expo, last minute missteps can create unnecessary stress and frustration in an already high-pressure situation. As a rule, any planner knows that something will go wrong at some point during the trade show, there simply is no way to prevent or predict such an […]

    You Can Do a Trade Show on a Shoestring Budget

    If you’ve been wanting to participate in setting up your very own booths at trade show’s, but assumed you couldn’t afford all of the associated expenses, think again. There are a number of ways to shave off thousands of dollars and still have a great experience. Here are a few ways you can attend a […]

    Trade Show Marketing Tactics That Work

    An often underused tactic in marketing is utilizing the element of surprise to showcase your dedication to the people that you are trying to impress. Going above and beyond customer expectations can take little effort on your part, but it could mean the difference between losing a sale and gaining a lifetime client. When developing a […]


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